Tuesday, January 20, 2009


my largest pizza ever, which really isn't so large. probably about 14". also, you'll notice the bottom is looking a little blond. i'd like to blame this largely on it being the last pizza of the night, which means the stone had a lot of the heat sucked out of it by the previous five or six pizzas. i also blame the oven and myself for not managing it better. better luck next time, i guess.


Anonymous said...

that pie looks beautiful.

Flushy McBucketpants said...

and it tasted pretty good too. perfection, though, is a fridge too far.

Shiny said...


ymathew said...

we got a pizza stone! it's a bit burny and stained now, but I like it. I just need a slip slider to get it off the stone.

Flushy McBucketpants said...

it's not burny and stained. it's seasoned, which is good. also, you need a peel not a slip slider.

i can't work in these conditions.